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Watch time - 6:50
엔드포인트(Endpoint)에 인공 지능(AI) 도입이 중요해진 시대에, 누보톤이 최신 Endpoint AI 플랫폼을 소개합니다. Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35 및 Cortex®-M4 코어를 기반으로 하는 이 혁신적인 제품은 다양한 산업 및 애플리케이션 시나리오에 적합한 머신 러닝 에코시스템을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다.
먼저 Endpoint AI의 특징과 특장점을 소개하며 이 기술이 엣지 컴퓨팅에서 어떻게 빛을 발하는지 보여드리겠습니다. 그 다음에는 플랫폼의 핵심 기능에 대해 자세히 살펴보고 업계에서 하드웨어의 다양성과 중요성에 대해 설명합니다.
그 다음에는 많은 기대를 모았던 M55 코어와 Ethos-U55 AI 가속기가 탑재된 새로운 M55M1을 소개합니다. 머신러닝을 위해 특별히 제작된 이 새로운 MCU는 그 성능과 기능을 보여줄 것입니다. 또한 사용자의 모델 학습을 지원하여 머신 러닝 개발 프로세스를 간소화하도록 설계된 강력한 리소스인 NuEdgeWise 도구도 소개할 예정입니다.
마지막으로, 사용자들이 각자의 분야에서 혁신을 실현할 수 있도록 영감과 레퍼런스를 제공할 머신 러닝 애플리케이션 디자인도 놓치지 마세요. 업계 전문가 여러분을 웨비나에 초대하여 Nuvoton 전문가들과 교류하고 최신 제품의 향후 적용 가능성을 살펴보세요.
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#nuvoton #nuvotonkorea #ai #endpoint #mcu #mpu #microcontroller #microprocessor #nuedgewise #m55 #a35 #webinar #누보톤 #누보톤코리아 #인공지능 #엔드포인트 #마이크로컨트롤러 #마이크로프로세서 #ai플랫폼 #머신러닝 #machinelearning #numicro #ma35d1 #m467 #kr #kor
Watch time - 3:18
AppWizard is a graphic human-machine interface design tool that supports the emWin graphics library. This tool allows GUI design and development to be completed with minimal coding using a drag-and-drop interface and settings.
This demo showcases the use of the AppWizard tool with the M467 development platform to design an electric bicycle dashboard interface. Therefore, the video will be divided into two parts: the M467 development platform introduction and the key features of the AppWizard.
#en #Product #Application #General #Seminar
#2023 Roadshow #Nuvoton #Nuvoton #E-bike #Dashboard #emWin AppWizard #NuMicro #MCU #M467
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Watch time - 47:53
Artificial intelligence, edge, and cloud computing make factory automation and Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing possible. These technologies can help manufacturers optimize production processes based on structured and unstructured data, analyze them, and share them across the entire ecosystem. However, all these cloud technologies must be rooted in every sensor, machine, test, and monitoring equipment. One of the keys to building a smart factory is to connect these sensors and devices, collect meaningful data, and provide necessary feedback to these devices. In this webinar, we will cover the following topics.
1.Smart factory ecosystem: sensor, edge device, hub/ gateway, and cloud
● Data collection
● Machine learning and artificial intelligence
● Feedback
2.IIoT node
● Dependency with cloud
● IIoT hardware and software architectures
● Case study
3.Nuvoton IIoT solutions
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#software architectures
#IIoT node
#factory automation
#Industry 4.0
#Smart factory ecosystem
#artificial intelligence
#cloud computing
#smart manufacturing
#Smart Manufacturing
#Machine learning
#Data collection
#monitoring equipment
#Artificial intelligence
Watch time - 4:58
Nuvoton announced the latest ML51/ML54/ML56 microcontroller, built-in capacitive touch sensing, LCD driver highly integrated low power platform. Based on 1T 8051 core, running up to 24MHz, the power consumption in normal run mode is 80uA/MHz, lower than 1uA in power down mode the power consumption while power down with LCD on is lower than 20uA.
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#Product #Learning #Basic #en
Watch time - 3:24
1. Show how to use the ICP Programming Tool to store the firmware to the SPI Flash device inside Nu-Link2-Pro, then after connecting the target chip, press the trigger button to complete offline programming.
2. Demonstrate how to use the ICP Programming Tool to store the firmware to the SPI Flash device inside Nu-Link2-Pro, and then connect the target chip. The external signal completes offline programming through the Control Bus interface. This interface connecting to the automatic programming machine is very convenience.
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#en #Tool #Training #Intermediate #Learning
Watch time - 9:3
Nuvoton announced the latest ML51/ML54/ML56 microcontroller, built-in capacitive touch sensing, LCD driver highly integrated low power platform. Based on 1T 8051 core, running up to 24MHz, the power consumption in normal run mode is 80uA/MHz, lower than 1uA in power down mode the power consumption while power down with LCD on is lower than 20uA.
0:00 intro
0:37 NuMicro 8051 Microcontroller
1:38 ML51/ML54/ML56 Product Portfolio
2:18 ML51/ML54/ML56 Features
3:27 Broad Scalability
4:05 Provide 4 Different Power Modes
4:44 LCD Driver Feature
5:52 Touch Key Features
7:05 Target Applications
#Product #Learning #Basic #en
#ML51 #ML54 #ML56 #8051 #LowPower #LCD-Driver #HumanMachineInterface #HMI #TouchKey-IC #HomeAppliance #EmbeddedWorld2022
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Watch time - 1:26
Voice controlled electronic devices have become a popular trend. The advantage is that electronic devices can be controlled without hands. For this scheme, we use Google TensorFlow as the algorithm development environment of speech recognition for deep learning. Then we implement speech recognition on NuMaker-PFM-M487 platform, and realize an offline and instant speech recognition system by Keyword Spotting.
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