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Watch time - 11:47
This video will guide users to quickly start developing Nuvoton N9H30 series microcontroller in a non-OS environment, and will demonstrate a GUI design by SEGGER emWin AppWizard tool. This video also shows how to enter the debug mode with J-Link and deploy the AppWizard project to the NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 evaluation board by NuWriter.
#emWinAppWizard #MPU #N9H #N9H30 #NonOS #HMI #GUIdesign #QuickStart #NuWriter #JLink #Debug #Basic #Training #Learning #en
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Watch time - 32:41
● Intro
● Software preparation
● GUI design
● Animation & Interaction
● Build code
● SPIM function
● Demo
This video demonstrates how to use the Nuvoton M467 HMI evaluation board(NuMaker-HMI-M467) with the SEGGER emWin AppWizard tool to rapidly create an electric bicycle dashboard interface. The video covers various aspects, including creating interaction and design by combining different objects, exporting the code, code explanations, compiling the code, and showcasing the results of the emWin AppWizard E-bike example program. This step-by-step guide enables users to easily operate the Nuvoton-HMI-M467 and emWin AppWizard tool.
Example code download link:
#NuMicro #Nuvoton #Basic #Application #Tool #Training #Learning #HMI #M4 #emWin #AppWizard #GUI #Ebike #dashboard #新唐科技 #MCU #Microcontroller #MCU #en
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Watch time - 3:45
Introduce Nuvoton's GUI solution.
Nuvoton GUI platform supports TFT-LCD with different interfaces and resolutions.
The platform includes low power, high-performance MCUs (microcontroller), and MPUs (microprocessor) with built-in high-density DDR and graphics accelerator.
We provide emWin, LVGL, Qt graphic libraries, and GUI tools such as AppWizard and SquareLine for you to easily create embedded system GUI.
Today, we will give you a quick introduction of three of the NuMaker-HMI evaluation boards.
● NuMaker-HMI-M467
● NuMaker-HMI-N9H30
● NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1
#en #Product #Application #General #Seminar
#2023 Roadshow #Nuvoton #GUI #NuMicro #MCU
#NuMaker-HMI-M467 #NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 #NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1
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Watch time - 3:18
AppWizard is a graphic human-machine interface design tool that supports the emWin graphics library. This tool allows GUI design and development to be completed with minimal coding using a drag-and-drop interface and settings.
This demo showcases the use of the AppWizard tool with the M467 development platform to design an electric bicycle dashboard interface. Therefore, the video will be divided into two parts: the M467 development platform introduction and the key features of the AppWizard.
#en #Product #Application #General #Seminar
#2023 Roadshow #Nuvoton #Nuvoton #E-bike #Dashboard #emWin AppWizard #NuMicro #MCU #M467
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Watch time - 7:37
This video shows the HMI example code of emWin AppWizard by using Nuvoton M467 development board.
It includes the description of the sample code, the explanation of the code, and the steps to compile and download the sample program. Finally, it shows the result of the operation of the HMI sample code, so that users can easily operate Nuvoton's development board and the HMI sample code according to the steps.
#NuMicro #Nuvoton #Basic #Application #Tool #Training #Learning #en #HMI #M4 #N9H #MA35D1 #emWin #AppWizard #GUI
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Watch time - 16:57
In this webinar, we will share our viewpoint on the trend of embedded GUI and the user expectation for the modern graphical HMI platform and the ecosystem on the embedded applications.
Furthermore, the attendees will get a good overview of the Nuvoton NuMicro HMI platform provides flexible solutions to address them,
and the development of embedded GUI for HMI applications becomes very easy by leveraging the complete NuMicro HMI platform.
#en #Webinar #General #Application
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Watch time - 0:40
Motorcycle Dashboard Demo on NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 EVB
【Demo Features】
• Fast booting (booting time less than 1 sec)
• The dashboard GUI implementation by emWin graphics library
• The 2D GFx help the smooth TFT-LCD display
#en #Application #Learning #Basic
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Watch time - 5:45
The video introduces Nuvoton's emWin graphic library for HMI applications, it also includes the breif HMI introduction, emWin resources.
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Watch time - 2:24
Hello everyone. Welcome back to Nuvootn’s YouTube channel. This is a reference design of a thermostat made by Nuvoton. The first screen shows the current room temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. You can also set your target temperature through the control panel. The middle switch is the power switch of temperature control. Press the Temperature icon and you can adjust backlight brightness by slide control.
Back to the function page, press the Snow icon where you can change the strength of the air conditioner. You can increase or decrease the strength by these up and down arrows or you can press the snow icon for adjustment. Changing the heater, dehumidifier, and fan are the same. The third page is a calendar where you can set the date to book opening and closing the temperature control. What you saw is the reference design introduction.
Now let’s talk about the composition of the board. In the middle of the board is a Nuvoton N9H20 main control chip. This main control chip has built-in 32 Mbytes DDR so the board is very clear and the hardware design is easy. At the top side, there is a 1 Gbits NAND Flash for code and pictures storage. At the bottom left there is a connector to the UART control interface. In the middle left area, there is a 5 Voltage (Micro USB) power input. In the upper right corner, there is an RS485 connection. Through this green connector, you can connect to RS485 for fans, air conditioners, and other devices' control. In the lower right corner, there is a chip for power IC and some other parts. The application reference design is concise and powerful. That’s all for the hardware introduction. Thank you for watching.
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#Product #Application #Learning #Intermediate #en
Watch time - 6:27
Nuvoton provides a development tool for capacitive Touch Sensors. The best feature of the calibration tool is that it uses the GUI to configure and tune your design automatically. Besides, the tool can export the configuration parameters and import them to another. Not only can greatly shorten the development time of developers, but also shorten the time for mass production. This video will introduce how to use this development tool and the definition of parameter.
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#Product #Learning #Basic #en
Watch time - 4:18
This reference design is based on NuMicro M480 series which control a 2” OLED display. It provides an easy method for a graphical user interface (GUI) with emWin library.
As you can see, the microcontroller controls the 2-inch OLED screen and GIF files can be played on it. The M480 series runs up to 192 MHz with 512 KB embedded Flash memory and 160 KB embedded SRAM. The high-performance MCU decodes GIF motion graphics smoothly.
There are three major features about this reference design:
First: We use the Nuvoton M480 high-performance microcontroller to control the OLED through high-speed SPI to showcase dynamic effects.
Second: This solution has built-in GIF decoding and various font libraries. If there are other font requirements, you can load other fonts through the Nuvoton font conversion tool, and use the emWin Library to develop a high-quality user interface quickly.
Third: It can be applied to products requiring display functions, such as e-sports motherboards, which can dynamically display temperature, the speed of the fan and the status of the hard disk.
The OLED device has a 2-inch OLED screen with a resolution of 256*64. There is an SD card slot underneath, which obviously is for data storage and the storage status is shown on the OLED screen. The right side, there is a high-speed USB for PC connection as a flash drive. A headphone jack is on the left, I’m sure you all know how it works.
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本方案使用 NuMicro M480 高效能 M4 微控制器,搭配 emWin library 進行 GUI 圖像化人機介面設計,將結果顯示在 2” OLED 上。NuMicro M480 系列微控制器是新唐的最新產品,透過這個系列產品高達 192 MHz 的強大運算能力和多達 160 KB 的 SRAM,並且搭配 2 吋 OLED 螢幕,來達到流暢地解碼及播放 GIF 動態影像,那這個方案包含了三大重點:
第一點:我們使用了新唐 M480 高效能微控制器,透過高速 SPI 控制 OLED 來顯示炫麗的動態效果
第二點:本方案已內建 GIF 解碼和多種字型的 Library,如果有其他字型需求,可以透過新唐字型轉換工具載入其他字庫,再加上 emWin Library 的使用,快速開發完成高質感使用者介面。
Watch time - 3:12
本方案使用 NuMicro M480 高效能 M4 微控制器,搭配 emWin library 進行 GUI 圖像化人機介面設計,將結果顯示在 2” OLED 上。NuMicro M480 系列微控制器是新唐的最新產品,透過這個系列產品高達 192 MHz 的強大運算能力和多達 160 KB 的 SRAM,並且搭配 2 吋 OLED 螢幕,來達到流暢地解碼及播放 GIF 動態影像,那這個方案包含了三大重點:
第一點:我們使用了新唐 M480 高效能微控制器,透過高速 SPI 控制 OLED 來顯示炫麗的動態效果
第二點:本方案已內建 GIF 解碼和多種字型的 Library,如果有其他字型需求,可以透過新唐字型轉換工具載入其他字庫,再加上 emWin Library 的使用,快速開發完成高質感使用者介面。
Today we are going to introduce our reference design OLED Display with GIF Format Decode featuring the NuMicro M480 series microcontroller. As you can see, the microcontroller controls the 2-inch OLED screen and GIF files can be played on it. The M480 series runs up to 192 MHz with 512 KB embedded Flash memory and 160 KB embedded SRAM. The high-performance MCU decodes GIF motion graphics smoothly.
There are three major features about this reference design:
First: We use the Nuvoton M480 high-performance microcontroller to control the OLED through high-speed SPI to showcase dynamic effects.
Second: This solution has built-in GIF decoding and various font libraries. If there are other font requirements, you can load other fonts through the Nuvoton font conversion tool, and use the emWin Library to develop a high-quality user interface quickly.
Third: It can be applied to products requiring display functions, such as e-sports motherboards, which can dynamically display temperature, the speed of the fan and the status of the hard disk.
The OLED device has a 2-inch OLED screen with a resolution of 256*64. There is an SD card slot underneath, which obviously is for data storage and the storage status is shown on the OLED screen. The right side, there is a high-speed USB for PC connection as a flash drive. A headphone jack is on the left, I’m sure you all know how it works.