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Watch time - 6:50
엔드포인트(Endpoint)에 인공 지능(AI) 도입이 중요해진 시대에, 누보톤이 최신 Endpoint AI 플랫폼을 소개합니다. Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35 및 Cortex®-M4 코어를 기반으로 하는 이 혁신적인 제품은 다양한 산업 및 애플리케이션 시나리오에 적합한 머신 러닝 에코시스템을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다.
먼저 Endpoint AI의 특징과 특장점을 소개하며 이 기술이 엣지 컴퓨팅에서 어떻게 빛을 발하는지 보여드리겠습니다. 그 다음에는 플랫폼의 핵심 기능에 대해 자세히 살펴보고 업계에서 하드웨어의 다양성과 중요성에 대해 설명합니다.
그 다음에는 많은 기대를 모았던 M55 코어와 Ethos-U55 AI 가속기가 탑재된 새로운 M55M1을 소개합니다. 머신러닝을 위해 특별히 제작된 이 새로운 MCU는 그 성능과 기능을 보여줄 것입니다. 또한 사용자의 모델 학습을 지원하여 머신 러닝 개발 프로세스를 간소화하도록 설계된 강력한 리소스인 NuEdgeWise 도구도 소개할 예정입니다.
마지막으로, 사용자들이 각자의 분야에서 혁신을 실현할 수 있도록 영감과 레퍼런스를 제공할 머신 러닝 애플리케이션 디자인도 놓치지 마세요. 업계 전문가 여러분을 웨비나에 초대하여 Nuvoton 전문가들과 교류하고 최신 제품의 향후 적용 가능성을 살펴보세요.
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#nuvoton #nuvotonkorea #ai #endpoint #mcu #mpu #microcontroller #microprocessor #nuedgewise #m55 #a35 #webinar #누보톤 #누보톤코리아 #인공지능 #엔드포인트 #마이크로컨트롤러 #마이크로프로세서 #ai플랫폼 #머신러닝 #machinelearning #numicro #ma35d1 #m467 #kr #kor
Watch time - 2:12
NuMaker-Volcano is the development board for Nuvoton NuMicro® M0A21/M0A23 microcontrollers. This board stands out with its compact size of only 2.5x5 millimeters, slightly larger than a coin. It comes equipped with the powerful M0A23 microcontroller, and all 28 pins are accessible for circuit board connections. Additionally, it features a Nu-Link2-Me for programming and debugger purposes. NuMaker-Volcano serves as a versatile platform for evaluating, developing, and validating industrial and automotive applications.
#AEC-Q100 #125degree #Volcano #Microcontroller #Automotive #MCU #Nuvoton #NuMicro #M0A23 #Basic #Product #learning #en
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Watch time - 3:52
M0A23 is an automotive grade microcontroller which passed AEC-Q100 Grade 1. M0A23 is an microcontroller based on Cortex-M0. The NuMicro® M0A23U series runs up to 48 MHz and supports hardware divider. It provides 32 Kbytes Flash memory, 4 Kbytes SRAM. It provides compact package, rich analog peripherals, -40°C to 125°C operating temperature, 2.4V ~ 5.5V operating voltage, CAN 2.0B and LIN interface for robust communication.
#AEC-Q100 #125degree #Volcano #Microcontroller #Automotive #MCU #Nuvoton #NuMicro #M0A23 #Basic #Product #learning #en
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Watch time - 5:29
This video will introduce NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 Quick Start to you.
1. Unboxing
2. Power On and Demonstration
3. NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 Introduction
4. Development Platform
5. Development Environment Setup
#HMI #SoM #System-on-Module #Yocto #DevelopmentBoard #Product #general #en #learning
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Watch time - 47:53
Artificial intelligence, edge, and cloud computing make factory automation and Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing possible. These technologies can help manufacturers optimize production processes based on structured and unstructured data, analyze them, and share them across the entire ecosystem. However, all these cloud technologies must be rooted in every sensor, machine, test, and monitoring equipment. One of the keys to building a smart factory is to connect these sensors and devices, collect meaningful data, and provide necessary feedback to these devices. In this webinar, we will cover the following topics.
1.Smart factory ecosystem: sensor, edge device, hub/ gateway, and cloud
● Data collection
● Machine learning and artificial intelligence
● Feedback
2.IIoT node
● Dependency with cloud
● IIoT hardware and software architectures
● Case study
3.Nuvoton IIoT solutions
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#software architectures
#IIoT node
#factory automation
#Industry 4.0
#Smart factory ecosystem
#artificial intelligence
#cloud computing
#smart manufacturing
#Smart Manufacturing
#Machine learning
#Data collection
#monitoring equipment
#Artificial intelligence
Watch time - 2:35
Nuvoton NuMicro M031BT: Dual-mode Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 (BLE5.0) and open 2.4G proprietary microcontroller platform, in addition to the advantages of the controller built in the high-precision and multiple I/O peripheral, it also provides pass-through, HOGP and Heartbeat profiles, which is a good choice for product to upgrade with wireless functions
#product #learning #basic #en
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Watch time - 5:53
Hello everyone, I am Morgan, the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology. Today, I will show you how to connect to AWS IoT service using MbedOS on NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board
The sample code is on GitHub, the URL is
To avoid typos, use keyword “OpenNuvoton” to search on google.
Find the Nuvoton on GitHub, and click it
On the Nuvoton GitHub page, use AWS as keyword to search the sample code: Mbed-to-AWS-IoT
Right click to copy the URL for later use.
Then enter the URL
After log in, make sure the NuMaker-IoT-M487 board has selected in the upper right corner. If not, please refer Nuvoton IoT Tutorial series “Get Started with Mbed OS”. There is detailed description of how to add a board.
Click the “Import” on the left of menu bar.
In the “Import Wizard”, click “Click here”
Please paste or key in the sample code URL to “Source URL:”,
Select Import as “Program”
Click “Import Name”, the project name “Mbed-to-AWS-IoT” will be filled automatically.
Then click “Import”.
After sample code imported, click “mbed_app.json” to open it.
To use Wi-Fi, you have to configure SSID and password to match your Wi-Fi AP setting.
In NuMaker_IOT_M487 session of mbed_app.json file, find the “wifi-ssid” to set your SSID. It is at line 44.
And then set password to “wifi-password”. It is at line 45.
Save it and click “Compile” to build the code.
It takes time to compile code, please wait.
You need an AWS account to use AWS IoT Core service. To create a thing, a policy, and certificates, then put the certificate to MQTT_server_setting.h file in the sample code. The sample code has included a certificate provided by Nuvoton for test only, so that you can quickly operate this example. If you don’t have an AWS account, it is recommended that you apply for an account and use your certificates in the example to observe the connection status on AWS IoT console page.
After completed, “Success” will appear in the compile output window.
The browser downloads the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”.
Then we connect the NuMaker-IoT-M487 USB port to your computer.
Please find the virtual COM port assigned for NuMaker-IoT-M487 in Device Manager. In the tutorial, the “Nu-Link Virtual Com Port” is COMx.
Then use your favorite terminal tool. Here we use Putty. Open the COMx port with 115200 baud rate.
And no flow control settings. Then “Open” it.
Back to the folder you just download the binary firmware file (Mbed-to-AWS-IoT.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive.
You will see the copying progress dialog box.
You can see the messages on terminal.
The device has acquired IP address from Wi-Fi AP, then successfully connect to AWS IoT and subscribe a topic.
Then press button (SW2) on board to send a message.
You can see the message published to server and received a message from server.
That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching.
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#tool #training #learning #intermediate #en
Watch time - 4:3
The purpose of video is to demonstrate functions of NuMaker-RTU-NUC980 within 5 minutes, including Ethernet webserver, Wi-Fi webserver, USB camera, and NFS function.
If you get the NuMaker-RTU-NUC980 board, you can follow this video to implement all the functions
#application #learning #intermediate #en
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Watch time - 1:30
Nuvoton provides a new development platform, Chili. Chili is designed by NUC980 family. A user can begin application developing within 15 minutes once receiving this PCB. This PCB is very small and can be easily installed into another system after development complete. It is suitable for some remote control or IoT applications.
#application #learning #intermediate #en
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Watch time - 5:0
Hello everyone, I am Morgan, the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology. Today, I will show you how to record and play audio with Mbed OS on NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board.
Open Chrome browser, and enter the URL to use the Mbed Online Compiler.
After log in, make sure that NuMaker-IoT-M487 board already selected in the upper right corner. If not, please refer Nuvoton IoT Tutorial series “Get Started with Mbed OS” which has a detailed description of how to add a board.
Click the “New” on the left of menu bar, a “Create new program” window will be displayed.
You can see that the Platform has been set to NuMaker-IoT-M487. In the Template, select the "NuMaker audio playback" for this tutorial. Then click OK.
Now you can see that the sample code has loaded on the page.
The sample code has three functions:
1. Record 10 seconds sound and save to Micro SD card
2. Play sounds stored in Micro SD card
3. Loopback. Record sound and play it immediately.
Click main.cpp to open it. Then scroll down to line 421. You can see the functions calls here. It set to loopback only.
Let’s do a little modification. Hit a key on console to start record 10 seconds then play it, and then do loopback.
printf("Press a key to start recording 10 seconds...");
Save it and click “Compile” to build the code.
Compilation takes a while, please wait.
After the compilation is completed, “Success” will appear in the compile output window.
The browser downloads the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”.
Please plug an earphone commonly used for mobile phone in headphone jack on NuMaker-IoT-M487 board. For demonstration, we use a headphone splitter cable to connect a microphone and a speaker. Do not put the microphone and speaker too close to avoid feedback howling. Then connect the USB port to your computer and make sure the onboard LED lights up.
Back to the folder you just download the binary firmware file (NuMaker-mbed-AudioPlayback-example.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive.
You will see the copying progress dialog box.
Please find the virtual COM port assigned for NuMaker-IoT-M487 in Device Manager. In the demonstration, the “Nu-Link Virtual Com Port” is COMx.
Then use your favorite terminal tool. Here we use Putty. Open the COMx port with 9600 baud rate.
And no flow control settings. Then “Open” it.
Press “Reset” on board to run the firmware again.
Press a key on terminal to start record.
Speak for about 10 seconds, then your voice will be played.
That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching.
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#tool #training #learning #intermediate #en
Watch time - 3:55
Hello everyone, I am Morgan, the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology. Today, I will show you how to use SD card with Mbed OS on NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board.
Open Chrome browser, and enter the URL to use the Mbed Online Compiler.
After log in, make sure that NuMaker-IoT-M487 board already selected in the upper right corner. If not, please refer Nuvoton IoT Tutorial series “Get Started with Mbed OS” which has a detailed description of how to add a board.
Click the “New” on the left of menu bar, a “Create new program” window will be displayed.
You can see that the Platform has been set to NuMaker-IoT-M487. In the Template, select the "NuMaker SD-File-System with SD mode" for this tutorial. Then click OK.
Now you can see that the sample code has loaded on the page. LittleFS uses less memory, supports power failure protection. However, LittleFS is different from the FAT file system, so after uses littleFS, the SD card will be formatted as LittleFS. The sample code uses FAT file system as default.
Just click “Compiler” to build the example.
It is in compiling, please wait a moment.
After the compilation is complete, “Success” will appear in the compile output window.
The browser downloads the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder or the folder based on your browser setting. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”.
Please insert a micro SD card into the card slot on the back of NuMaker-IoT-M487 board, then connect the USB to your computer and make sure the onboard LED lights up.
Let’s back to the folder you just download the binary firmware file (NuMaker-mbed-SD-FileSystem-example.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive.
You will see the copying progress dialog box.
Please find the virtual COM port assigned for NuMaker-IoT-M487 in Device Manager. In the demonstration, the “Nu-Link Virtual Com Port” is COMx.
Then use your favorite terminal tool. Here we use Putty. Open the COMx port with 115200 baud rate
And no flow control settings. Then “Open” it.
Press “Reset” on board to run the firmware again.
You can see the messages on terminal while accessing SD card.
That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching.
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#tool #training #learning #intermediate #en
Watch time - 4:32
Hello everyone, I am Morgan, the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology. Today, I will show you how to control the temperature and humidity sensor with Mbed OS on NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board. For this tutorial, we choose the “Thermo 6 Click” board. It is a mikroBUS board with a MAX31875 sensor. It is easy to install on NuMaker-IoT-M487 board because it has a mikroBUS connector. The part of control code refer from community, it is easy and quick to be integrated into real application.
Open Chrome browser, and enter the URL to use the Mbed Online Compiler.
After log in, make sure that NuMaker-IoT-M487 board already selected in the upper right corner. If not, please refer Nuvoton IoT Tutorial series “Get Started with Mbed OS” which has a detailed description of how to add a board.
Click the “New” on the left of menu bar, a “Create new program” window will be displayed. You can see that the Platform has been set to NuMaker-IoT-M487. In the Template, select the "NuMaker Thermo-Sensor MAX31875 " for this tutorial. Then click OK.
Now you can see that the sample code has loaded on the page. The sample code includes the MAX31875 control from community, declares an I2C object used on NuMaker-IoT-M487’s mikroBUS and a sensor object with the I2C object. Get the temperature value then print it. No modification needed, just click “Compile” to build the sample code.
It is in compiling, please wait a moment.
Then you can see the last message is “Success!” after compile completed.
The browser downloads the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder or the folder based on your browser setting. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”.
Now is the time to install the Thermo 6 Click temperature and humidity sensor board on the mikroBUS, please pay attention to the correct orientation of the board.
Then we connect the NuMaker-IoT-M487 USB port to your computer and make sure the onboard LED lights up.
Let’s back to the folder you just download the binary firmware file (NuMaker-mbed-Sensor-MAX31875.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive.
You will see the copying progress dialog box.
Please find the virtual COM port assigned for NuMaker-IoT-M487 in Device Manager. In the tutorial, the “Nu-Link Virtual Com Port” is COMx.
Then use your favorite terminal tool. Here we use Putty. Open the COMx port with 115200 baud rate
And no flow control settings. Then “Open” it.
You can see the current temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit printed on terminal.
That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching. Welcome to subscribe to our channel. If you want to get more information, please contact us at
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#tool #training #learning #intermediate #en