Keil MDK Nuvoton Edition – Full Cortex-M
Q1: The screen displays: "License server could not be reached. Please verify the license server address and check your network connectivity."
Please follow these steps to check:
- Ensure the URL is entered correctly.
- Verify that your device's network connection is functioning properly.
- Disable the firewall or switch to a different network source for your device.
Q2: Version of Arm® Keil® MDK
This Keil MDK Nuvoton Edition - Full Cortex-M License requires Keil MDK Version 5.37 or later.
To check the version of Keil MDK, please go to the “Help” menu and open "About µVision."
Q3: The screen displays: “Can’t activate… need to deactivate…”
There may be a duplicate or outdated User-Based License. Please deactivate the old license before activating the new one.