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Application  Webinar  Watch time - 16:57
In this webinar, we will share our viewpoint on the trend of embedded GUI and the user expectation for the modern graphical HMI platform and the ecosystem on the embedded applications. Furthermore, the attendees will get a good overview of the Nuvoton NuMicro HMI platform provides flexible solutions to address them, and the development of embedded GUI for HMI applications becomes very easy by leveraging the complete NuMicro HMI platform. #en #Webinar #General #Application - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Application  Learning  Watch time - 0:40
Motorcycle Dashboard Demo on NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 EVB 【Demo Features】 • Fast booting (booting time less than 1 sec) • The dashboard GUI implementation by emWin graphics library • The 2D GFx help the smooth TFT-LCD display #en #Application #Learning #Basic - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Tool  Learning  Watch time - 8:24
The video introduces Nuvoton's MPU N9H30's development set-up for Linux and Non-OS, taking NuMaker-emWin-RDK-N9H30 for example. Starting from the EVB introduction to BSP and related software downloads. - User manuals and related resource can be downloaded First, we introduce how to program Linux OS to the N9H30 evaluation board Find the N9H30 evaluation board resource that we used on Nuvoton’s Github and download the VMware Image VMware application can be downloaded from the VMware website First, open the VMware Find the ubuntu_NUC970_980_Linux folder we downloaded Choose Ubuntu 64-bit_nuvoton.vmx Choose Play virtual machine The password is “user” It will take a while to open this application for the first time Open the terminal when the system is ready Enter NUC970_Buildroot-master folder After entering the folder, we need to update the Buildroot tool Enter the command as shown below “git reset –hard” “git pull” After updating, enter the dl folder Remove the original Linux kernel and u-boot Enter the command as shown below “sudo rm -rf linux-master.tar.gz uboot-master.tar.gz” After entering, enter the password “user” Leave the dl folder and enter the Buildroot folder Enter the “make clean” command You don’t need to do these steps unless updating Buildroot tools Now, we set up the evaluation board configuration Enter configs folder to search evaluation board name Back to buildroot after searching Enter “make nuvoton_n9h30_emwin_defconfig” to generate configuration file After finishing these step, enter “make” to compile It will take about three hours to compile After compiling, copy the two files below to windows “/NUC970_Buildroot-master/output/images/uImage” “/NUC970_Buildroot-master/output/build/uboot-master/u-boot.bin” Create text file ”env-nor.txt” The content is shown below: baudrate=115200 bootdelay=1 stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial setspi=sf probe 0 50000000 loadkernel=sf read 0x7fc0 0x200000 0x600000 bootcmd=run setspi;run loadkernel;bootm 0x7fc0 bootargs=noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock2 rw rootfstype=jffs2 console=ttyS0 rdinit=/sbin/init mem=32M mtdparts=m25p80:0x200000@0x0(u-boot),0x600000@0x200000(kernel),-(user) ignore_loglevel Then, we need to install NuWriter and related file The NuWriter is a programming tool provided by Nuvoton. The NuWriter application and firmware code are open-sourced, and users can add new features or develop new user interfaces per user’s application NuWriter: Open “NUC970_NuWriter-master” Enter Driver folder and install “WinUSB4NuVCOM.exe” Enter /Nuwriter/Release and execute NuWriter Choose IC number based on the evaluation board We need to program Image to SPI Flash, so we choose SPI Here we need to turn the all Power-On Setting to ON Push Reset button Return to NuWriter to check the green light and the connection If it is not connecting, click Re-Connect to reconnect After confirm the connection, start to program Image Program the three files to particular address u-boot.bin program to 0xe00000 env.nor.txt program to 0x80000 uImage program to 0x200000 After programming, turn the Power-On Setting to off Push the Reset button Evaluation board can start to boot from SPI-NOR After booting, we need to find the rcS demo application under/etc/init.d Enter “chmod 777 rcS” to modify the application Now, you can see the application on the evaluation board panel Here, we finish compiling and programming The next topic is how to compile and program Non-OS code First, download MDK-Arm from the link below Download the Non-OS BSP provided by Nuvoton The BSP includes Keil environment set up user manual Use Keil need to purchase the related license After downloading, Open Keil uVision Click the File on the upper left and choose Open Go to the BSP that we downloaded choose BSP, SampleCode, emWin_SimpleDemo, KEIL and emWin_SimpleDemo.uvproj Click Option for Target Click Device and choose NuMicro ARM9 Database and N9H_series After setting up, click Rebuild, and it will generate a sample code application which is a binary file Open the NuWriter and connect it to the evaluation board Choose SPI and search the application we built \N9H30_emWin_Non-OS_BSP_v1.04.000\N9H30_emWin_Non-OS_BSP_v1.04.000\BSP\SampleCode\emWin_SimpleDemo\KEIL\obj\emWin_SimpleDemo_FW070TFT_24BPP.bin Follow the setting and program the file to 0x0 After programming, turn the Power-On Setting to boot from SPI You can see the demo application on the evaluation #Basic #Product #Tool #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Tool  Learning  Watch time - 9:49
The video includes introductions to Nuvoton's MCU Cortex-M4 and MPU N9H series and how to choose suitable MCU or MPU under HMI platform. Customer successful cases are avaliable in this video. #Basic #Product #Tool #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Watch time - 5:45
The video introduces Nuvoton's emWin graphic library for HMI applications, it also includes the breif HMI introduction, emWin resources. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Learning  Watch time - 4:58
Nuvoton announced the latest ML51/ML54/ML56 microcontroller, built-in capacitive touch sensing, LCD driver highly integrated low power platform. Based on 1T 8051 core, running up to 24MHz, the power consumption in normal run mode is 80uA/MHz, lower than 1uA in power down mode the power consumption while power down with LCD on is lower than 20uA. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: Buy now: Contact us: #Product #Learning #Basic #en
Product  Application  Learning  Watch time - 2:24
Hello everyone. Welcome back to Nuvootn’s YouTube channel. This is a reference design of a thermostat made by Nuvoton. The first screen shows the current room temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. You can also set your target temperature through the control panel. The middle switch is the power switch of temperature control. Press the Temperature icon and you can adjust backlight brightness by slide control. Back to the function page, press the Snow icon where you can change the strength of the air conditioner. You can increase or decrease the strength by these up and down arrows or you can press the snow icon for adjustment. Changing the heater, dehumidifier, and fan are the same. The third page is a calendar where you can set the date to book opening and closing the temperature control. What you saw is the reference design introduction. Now let’s talk about the composition of the board. In the middle of the board is a Nuvoton N9H20 main control chip. This main control chip has built-in 32 Mbytes DDR so the board is very clear and the hardware design is easy. At the top side, there is a 1 Gbits NAND Flash for code and pictures storage. At the bottom left there is a connector to the UART control interface. In the middle left area, there is a 5 Voltage (Micro USB) power input. In the upper right corner, there is an RS485 connection. Through this green connector, you can connect to RS485 for fans, air conditioners, and other devices' control. In the lower right corner, there is a chip for power IC and some other parts. The application reference design is concise and powerful. That’s all for the hardware introduction. Thank you for watching. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us: #Product #Application #Learning #Intermediate #en
Product  Learning  Watch time - 9:3
Nuvoton announced the latest ML51/ML54/ML56 microcontroller, built-in capacitive touch sensing, LCD driver highly integrated low power platform. Based on 1T 8051 core, running up to 24MHz, the power consumption in normal run mode is 80uA/MHz, lower than 1uA in power down mode the power consumption while power down with LCD on is lower than 20uA. 0:00 intro 0:37 NuMicro 8051 Microcontroller 1:38 ML51/ML54/ML56 Product Portfolio 2:18 ML51/ML54/ML56 Features 3:27 Broad Scalability 4:05 Provide 4 Different Power Modes 4:44 LCD Driver Feature 5:52 Touch Key Features 7:05 Target Applications #Product #Learning #Basic #en #ML51 #ML54 #ML56 #8051 #LowPower #LCD-Driver #HumanMachineInterface #HMI #TouchKey-IC #HomeAppliance #EmbeddedWorld2022 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: Buy now: Contact us:
Watch time - 4:46
新唐的 NUC970 及 NUC980 工業控制系列適合用於工業自動化及工業物聯網類型的應用,本影片展示一套由新唐的合作夥伴所設計製造的工業自動化解決方案,包括一套人機交互介面(HMI)及一套遠程終端設備(RTU)。 新唐NUC970、NUC980為一款工業操作溫度範圍,內置DRAM顆粒,採用LQFP包裝的處理器,內建豐富IO介面並包含通訊加解密引擎,為工業通訊安全提供保護。NUC980軟體包則支援聯網協議,包括AWS、阿里雲等,可應用於各種資料採集及聯網需求,特別是針對5G基地台監控、大數據採集,NUC980提供了一套完整的設計方案,詳細內容,請參考新唐官網。 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
Watch time - 4:3
汽車數據記錄器由NuMicro NUC131微控制器和N9H30微處理器組成。 NUC131支持 CAN 總線接收車載記錄診斷儀II(OBD-II)數據,包括車速,發動機轉速,發動機冷卻液溫度及車內溫度等。接著NUC131轉換OBD-II原始數據,並通過UART將上述信息發送到N9H30。N9H30在7英寸 TFT-LCD emWin 人機界面上顯示接收到的信息。 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
Application  Learning  Watch time - 3:49
A HMI and RTU industrial automation solution demo which is designed by Nuvoton’s partner. Nuvoton NUC970 series supports 2D Graphic and RGB 24-bit LCD display interface. With different LQFP package and DRAM embedded, NUC970 provides a solution platform for HMI products. NUC980 series does not have graphic engine, but supports up to 10 UARTs with DMA mode. Using DMA mode can reduce CPU loading and provides a better computing requirement. NUC980 series also supports different wireless modules. It is suitable for Industrial IoT applications. #Application #Learning #Basic #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Application  Learning  Watch time - 3:30
Automotive Data Logger consists of NuMicro® NUC131 microcontroller and N9H30 microprocessor. NUC131 supports CAN Bus to log On-Board Diagnostics-II (OBD-II) data, which includes vehicle velocity, engine RPM, engine coolant temperature, temperature in car from engine control unit (ECU) emulator. Then NUC131 converts the OBD-II raw data and transmits the above information to N9H30 by UART. N9H30 shows the received information on 7” TFT-LCD human machine interface enhanced by emWin. #Application #Learning #Basic #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us: