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Webinar  Watch time - 47:53
Artificial intelligence, edge, and cloud computing make factory automation and Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing possible. These technologies can help manufacturers optimize production processes based on structured and unstructured data, analyze them, and share them across the entire ecosystem. However, all these cloud technologies must be rooted in every sensor, machine, test, and monitoring equipment. One of the keys to building a smart factory is to connect these sensors and devices, collect meaningful data, and provide necessary feedback to these devices. In this webinar, we will cover the following topics. - Agenda: 1.Smart factory ecosystem: sensor, edge device, hub/ gateway, and cloud ● Data collection ● Machine learning and artificial intelligence ● Feedback 2.IIoT node ● Dependency with cloud ● IIoT hardware and software architectures ● Case study 3.Nuvoton IIoT solutions - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Watch time - 4:46
新唐的 NUC970 及 NUC980 工業控制系列適合用於工業自動化及工業物聯網類型的應用,本影片展示一套由新唐的合作夥伴所設計製造的工業自動化解決方案,包括一套人機交互介面(HMI)及一套遠程終端設備(RTU)。 新唐NUC970、NUC980為一款工業操作溫度範圍,內置DRAM顆粒,採用LQFP包裝的處理器,內建豐富IO介面並包含通訊加解密引擎,為工業通訊安全提供保護。NUC980軟體包則支援聯網協議,包括AWS、阿里雲等,可應用於各種資料採集及聯網需求,特別是針對5G基地台監控、大數據採集,NUC980提供了一套完整的設計方案,詳細內容,請參考新唐官網。 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們: