
Noise reduction and echo cancellation solution

  • Training  Tool  Learning  Watch time - 5:0
    Hello everyone, I am Morgan, the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology. Today, I will show you how to record and play audio with Mbed OS on NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board. Open Chrome browser, and enter the URL to use the Mbed Online Compiler. After log in, make sure that NuMaker-IoT-M487 board already selected in the upper right corner. If not, please refer Nuvoton IoT Tutorial series “Get Started with Mbed OS” which has a detailed description of how to add a board. Click the “New” on the left of menu bar, a “Create new program” window will be displayed. You can see that the Platform has been set to NuMaker-IoT-M487. In the Template, select the "NuMaker audio playback" for this tutorial. Then click OK. Now you can see that the sample code has loaded on the page. The sample code has three functions: 1. Record 10 seconds sound and save to Micro SD card 2. Play sounds stored in Micro SD card 3. Loopback. Record sound and play it immediately. Click main.cpp to open it. Then scroll down to line 421. You can see the functions calls here. It set to loopback only. Let’s do a little modification. Hit a key on console to start record 10 seconds then play it, and then do loopback. printf("Press a key to start recording 10 seconds..."); getchar(); demo_record(); demo_play(); demo_loopback(); Save it and click “Compile” to build the code. Compilation takes a while, please wait. After the compilation is completed, “Success” will appear in the compile output window. The browser downloads the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”. Please plug an earphone commonly used for mobile phone in headphone jack on NuMaker-IoT-M487 board. For demonstration, we use a headphone splitter cable to connect a microphone and a speaker. Do not put the microphone and speaker too close to avoid feedback howling. Then connect the USB port to your computer and make sure the onboard LED lights up. Back to the folder you just download the binary firmware file (NuMaker-mbed-AudioPlayback-example.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive. You will see the copying progress dialog box. Please find the virtual COM port assigned for NuMaker-IoT-M487 in Device Manager. In the demonstration, the “Nu-Link Virtual Com Port” is COMx. Then use your favorite terminal tool. Here we use Putty. Open the COMx port with 9600 baud rate. And no flow control settings. Then “Open” it. Press “Reset” on board to run the firmware again. Press a key on terminal to start record. Speak for about 10 seconds, then your voice will be played. That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching. Welcome to subscribe to our channel. If you want to get more information, please contact us “” - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: Buy now: Contact us: #tool #training #learning #intermediate #en
  • Training  Tool  Learning  Watch time - 3:51
    Hello everyone, I am the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology, Morgan. Today, I will show you how to use Mbed OS on the NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board to control LED and buttons. First, open Chrome browser, enter the URL Please make sure that NuMaker-IoT-M487 board already selected in the upper right corner after you log in. If not, please refer Nuvoton IoT Tutorial series “Get Started with Mbed OS” which has a detailed description of how to add a board. Then click the “New” on the upper left, a “Create new program” window will be displayed. You can see that the Platform has been set to NuMaker-IoT-M487. In the Template field, select the "NuMaker GPIO Interrupt with Debounce Setting" for this tutorial. Then click OK. Now you can see that the sample code has loaded on the page. Click on “main.cpp”, this sample code uses SW2 button for demonstration. Click on “Compile” to build it. It is in compiling, please wait a moment. Then you can see a lot of messages at the bottom of the page. The last message is “Success!” The browser will download the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder or the folder based on your browser setting. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”. Then we have to connect the NuMaker-IoT-M487 USB port to your computer and make sure the onboard LED lights up. Let’s head back to the download folder where you can see the binary firmware file (NuMaker-mbed-GPIO-Interrupt.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive. You will see the copying progress dialog box. Next step is to press the SW2 button on the board to toggle LED. You can see the reaction of each press. That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching. Welcome to subscribe to our channel. If you want to know more information, please contact us at - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: Buy now: Contact us: #Tool #Training #Learning #Intermediate #en
  • Watch time - 5:46
    經由ADC量測Bandgap電壓,能夠反推電池的電壓,再搭配電池的規格文件,可得知產品目前所剩電量。另外,結合新唐晶片內部紀錄bandgap電壓的機制,可以消除不同晶片間的製程誤差,以得到更精準的電池電壓量測結果。 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
  • Application  Learning  Watch time - 3:49
    A HMI and RTU industrial automation solution demo which is designed by Nuvoton’s partner. Nuvoton NUC970 series supports 2D Graphic and RGB 24-bit LCD display interface. With different LQFP package and DRAM embedded, NUC970 provides a solution platform for HMI products. NUC980 series does not have graphic engine, but supports up to 10 UARTs with DMA mode. Using DMA mode can reduce CPU loading and provides a better computing requirement. NUC980 series also supports different wireless modules. It is suitable for Industrial IoT applications. #Application #Learning #Basic #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
  • Product  Application  Webinar  Watch time - 39:46
    In this webinar, we discussed the Nuvoton NuMaker IoT Platforms that are supporting Arm Mbed OS and Pelion Device Management services. We also showcased how you can use these reference designs to build and manage your smart IoT devices and applications. Host: Austin Blackstone, Lead Developer Evangelist - Arm Pelion / Mbed OS Speaker: Morgan Du, Principal Engineer - Nuvoton IoT Development Slides: Learn more about the Nuvoton IoT platform: Learn more about the Nuvoton NuMaker-IoT-M487 platform: Shop the NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board: #Product #Application #Webinar #General #en