NuMaker-IoT-M487 (10) Connect to AWS IoT service

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NuMaker-IoT-M487 (10) Connect to AWS IoT service

Hello everyone, I am Morgan, the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology. Today, I will show you how to connect to AWS IoT service using MbedOS on NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board The sample code is on GitHub, the URL is To avoid typos, use keyword “OpenNuvoton” to search on google. Find the Nuvoton on GitHub, and click it On the Nuvoton GitHub page, use AWS as keyword to search the sample code: Mbed-to-AWS-IoT Right click to copy the URL for later use. Then enter the URL After log in, make sure the NuMaker-IoT-M487 board has selected in the upper right corner. If not, please refer Nuvoton IoT Tutorial series “Get Started with Mbed OS”. There is detailed description of how to add a board. Click the “Import” on the left of menu bar. In the “Import Wizard”, click “Click here” Please paste or key in the sample code URL to “Source URL:”, Select Import as “Program” Click “Import Name”, the project name “Mbed-to-AWS-IoT” will be filled automatically. Then click “Import”. After sample code imported, click “mbed_app.json” to open it. To use Wi-Fi, you have to configure SSID and password to match your Wi-Fi AP setting. In NuMaker_IOT_M487 session of mbed_app.json file, find the “wifi-ssid” to set your SSID. It is at line 44. And then set password to “wifi-password”. It is at line 45. Save it and click “Compile” to build the code. It takes time to compile code, please wait. You need an AWS account to use AWS IoT Core service. To create a thing, a policy, and certificates, then put the certificate to MQTT_server_setting.h file in the sample code. The sample code has included a certificate provided by Nuvoton for test only, so that you can quickly operate this example. If you don’t have an AWS account, it is recommended that you apply for an account and use your certificates in the example to observe the connection status on AWS IoT console page. After completed, “Success” will appear in the compile output window. The browser downloads the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”. Then we connect the NuMaker-IoT-M487 USB port to your computer. Please find the virtual COM port assigned for NuMaker-IoT-M487 in Device Manager. In the tutorial, the “Nu-Link Virtual Com Port” is COMx. Then use your favorite terminal tool. Here we use Putty. Open the COMx port with 115200 baud rate. And no flow control settings. Then “Open” it. Back to the folder you just download the binary firmware file (Mbed-to-AWS-IoT.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive. You will see the copying progress dialog box. You can see the messages on terminal. The device has acquired IP address from Wi-Fi AP, then successfully connect to AWS IoT and subscribe a topic. Then press button (SW2) on board to send a message. You can see the message published to server and received a message from server. That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching. Welcome to subscribe to our channel. If you want to get more information, please contact us “” - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: Buy now: Contact us: #tool #training #learning #intermediate #en
