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Watch time - 8:24
The video introduces Nuvoton's MPU N9H30's development set-up for Linux and Non-OS, taking NuMaker-emWin-RDK-N9H30 for example. Starting from the EVB introduction to BSP and related software downloads.
User manuals and related resource can be downloaded
First, we introduce how to program Linux OS to the N9H30 evaluation board
Find the N9H30 evaluation board resource that we used on Nuvoton’s Github and download the VMware Image
VMware application can be downloaded from the VMware website
First, open the VMware
Find the ubuntu_NUC970_980_Linux folder we downloaded
Choose Ubuntu 64-bit_nuvoton.vmx
Choose Play virtual machine
The password is “user”
It will take a while to open this application for the first time
Open the terminal when the system is ready
Enter NUC970_Buildroot-master folder
After entering the folder, we need to update the Buildroot tool
Enter the command as shown below
“git reset –hard”
“git pull”
After updating, enter the dl folder
Remove the original Linux kernel and u-boot
Enter the command as shown below
“sudo rm -rf linux-master.tar.gz uboot-master.tar.gz”
After entering, enter the password “user”
Leave the dl folder and enter the Buildroot folder
Enter the “make clean” command
You don’t need to do these steps unless updating Buildroot tools
Now, we set up the evaluation board configuration
Enter configs folder to search evaluation board name
Back to buildroot after searching
Enter “make nuvoton_n9h30_emwin_defconfig” to generate configuration file
After finishing these step, enter “make” to compile
It will take about three hours to compile
After compiling, copy the two files below to windows
Create text file ”env-nor.txt”
The content is shown below:
setspi=sf probe 0 50000000
loadkernel=sf read 0x7fc0 0x200000 0x600000
bootcmd=run setspi;run loadkernel;bootm 0x7fc0
bootargs=noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock2 rw rootfstype=jffs2 console=ttyS0 rdinit=/sbin/init mem=32M mtdparts=m25p80:0x200000@0x0(u-boot),0x600000@0x200000(kernel),-(user) ignore_loglevel
Then, we need to install NuWriter and related file
The NuWriter is a programming tool provided by Nuvoton. The NuWriter application and firmware code are open-sourced, and users can add new features or develop new user interfaces per user’s application
Open “NUC970_NuWriter-master”
Enter Driver folder and install “WinUSB4NuVCOM.exe”
Enter /Nuwriter/Release and execute NuWriter
Choose IC number based on the evaluation board
We need to program Image to SPI Flash, so we choose SPI
Here we need to turn the all Power-On Setting to ON
Push Reset button
Return to NuWriter to check the green light and the connection
If it is not connecting, click Re-Connect to reconnect
After confirm the connection, start to program Image
Program the three files to particular address
u-boot.bin program to 0xe00000
env.nor.txt program to 0x80000
uImage program to 0x200000
After programming, turn the Power-On Setting to off
Push the Reset button
Evaluation board can start to boot from SPI-NOR
After booting, we need to find the rcS demo application under/etc/init.d
Enter “chmod 777 rcS” to modify the application
Now, you can see the application on the evaluation board panel
Here, we finish compiling and programming
The next topic is how to compile and program Non-OS code
First, download MDK-Arm from the link below
Download the Non-OS BSP provided by Nuvoton
The BSP includes Keil environment set up user manual
Use Keil need to purchase the related license
After downloading, Open Keil uVision
Click the File on the upper left and choose Open
Go to the BSP that we downloaded choose BSP, SampleCode, emWin_SimpleDemo, KEIL and emWin_SimpleDemo.uvproj
Click Option for Target
Click Device and choose NuMicro ARM9 Database and N9H_series
After setting up, click Rebuild, and it will generate a sample code application which is a binary file
Open the NuWriter and connect it to the evaluation board
Choose SPI and search the application we built
Follow the setting and program the file to 0x0
After programming, turn the Power-On Setting to boot from SPI
You can see the demo application on the evaluation
#Basic #Product #Tool #Learning #en
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Watch time - 59:50
Always want to knock on the door and get in the MCU world? Here is a perfect entrance for you!
To let anyone interested in MCU familiar with Nuvoton’s development environment, we provide you a beginner course. Thus, you can have not only a whole picture of Nuvoton’s Development platform, including EVB, debugger/programmer, IDE, BSP, and software, but can also implement a very first project in this workshop.
Nuvoton has a user-friendly environment even for beginners, so don’t hesitate to join us. Let Novoton’s rookie lead your way!
Before we get started, please follow the steps before the workshop.
1. Terminal Emulator Download
PuTTY:An open-source SSH and telnet client for the Windows platform.
Download – "putty.exe"
2. IDE Installation - KEIL MDK Nuvoton edition M0 / M23
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Download link:
• NuMicro® Ecosystem
• Nuvoton Golden 3 Steps
• NuMaker Board Unboxing & Introduction
• Practice for Very Beginner - Get Started by Quick Start
• Summary
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#Application #Tool #Training #Webinar #General #en
Watch time - 3:19
This video introduces how to download and install Arm Keil, and its content includes how to use Nuvoton's product serial number to apply for an Arm Keil product serial number and how to receive a product serial number that can be used in the activation step. Help you to install and use Arm Keil easily, and through Nuvoton's product serial number, free (M0 series) or half price (M23, M4 series) use Arm Keil product serial number.
#Tool #Training #Learning #Intermediate #en
For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website:
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Watch time - 4:40
說明Nuvoton Nu-Link Debug Adapter是一個基於SWD(串列調試)信號介面的USB調試及燒錄器,可應用在Nuvoton NuMicro™ 家族晶片的開發中。用戶可以用ICP工具進行批量燒錄。Nu-Link Adapter也支援協力廠商的開發工具。本視頻介紹Nu-Link Adapter的種類、功能,及如何搭配KEIL使用。