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Product  Application  Learning  Watch time - 1:32
In this video, we will introduce an endpoint AI application running on the NuMicro® M55M1 microcontroller, the pose landmark detection developed with machine learning technology. #nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #Cortex-M55 #Ethos-U55 #TinyML #Endpoint AI #Pose Landmark Detection #M55M1 #AI MCU #ML MCU #Advance #Product #Application #Learning #AI - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Application  Learning  Watch time - 1:45
In this video, we will introduce an endpoint AI application running on the NuMicro® M55M1 microcontroller, the face landmark detection developed with machine learning technology. #nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #Cortex-M55 #Ethos-U55 #TinyML #Endpoint AI #Facial Landmark Detection #M55M1 #AI MCU #ML MCU #Advance #Product #Application #Learning #AI - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Application  Learning  Watch time - 1:36
In this video, we will introduce an endpoint AI application running on the NuMicro® M55M1 microcontroller, the gesture recognition developed with machine learning technology. - #nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #Cortex-M55 #Ethos-U55 #TinyML #Endpoint AI #Gesture recognition#M55M1 #AI MCU #ML MCU #Advanced #Product #Application #Learning #AI - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Application  Others  Watch time - 2:44
This application uses the NuEdgeWise Tool to train an object detection model, which is then ported to the M55M1 development board. This enables the implementation of a Medicine Classifier capable of assisting pharmacists, patients, and staff in quickly classifying different types of medication. System developers are welcome to contact the Nuvoton team through Nuvoton AI webpage "Contact Us" form to explore the new value of endpoint AI together. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #M55M1 #TinyML #AI #General #Application #Others #NuEdgeWise - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Tool  Learning  Watch time - 3:38
The NuEzAI development tool, combined with the NuEzAI-M55M1 development board and the online model training platform, allows customers to train an image recognition model in three minutes without extensive programming knowledge or a deep understanding of complex algorithms. The model can then be easily deployed onto the NuEzAI-M55M1 board, significantly lowering the barrier to AI development. Even without any prior experience in Edge AI development, you can seamlessly begin creating your first AI application with the NuEzAI-M55M1 board. System developers are welcome to contact the Nuvoton team via the "Contact Us" form on the Nuvoton AI webpage at, and explore the new value of Edge AI together. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #Microcontroller #MCU #en #M55M1 #TinyML #AI #MachineLearning #NuEzAI-M55M1 #General #Tool #Learning - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Webinar  Watch time - 6:50
엔드포인트(Endpoint)에 인공 지능(AI) 도입이 중요해진 시대에, 누보톤이 최신 Endpoint AI 플랫폼을 소개합니다. Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35 및 Cortex®-M4 코어를 기반으로 하는 이 혁신적인 제품은 다양한 산업 및 애플리케이션 시나리오에 적합한 머신 러닝 에코시스템을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다. 먼저 Endpoint AI의 특징과 특장점을 소개하며 이 기술이 엣지 컴퓨팅에서 어떻게 빛을 발하는지 보여드리겠습니다. 그 다음에는 플랫폼의 핵심 기능에 대해 자세히 살펴보고 업계에서 하드웨어의 다양성과 중요성에 대해 설명합니다. 그 다음에는 많은 기대를 모았던 M55 코어와 Ethos-U55 AI 가속기가 탑재된 새로운 M55M1을 소개합니다. 머신러닝을 위해 특별히 제작된 이 새로운 MCU는 그 성능과 기능을 보여줄 것입니다. 또한 사용자의 모델 학습을 지원하여 머신 러닝 개발 프로세스를 간소화하도록 설계된 강력한 리소스인 NuEdgeWise 도구도 소개할 예정입니다. 마지막으로, 사용자들이 각자의 분야에서 혁신을 실현할 수 있도록 영감과 레퍼런스를 제공할 머신 러닝 애플리케이션 디자인도 놓치지 마세요. 업계 전문가 여러분을 웨비나에 초대하여 Nuvoton 전문가들과 교류하고 최신 제품의 향후 적용 가능성을 살펴보세요. For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us: #nuvoton #nuvotonkorea #ai #endpoint #mcu #mpu #microcontroller #microprocessor #nuedgewise #m55 #a35 #webinar #누보톤 #누보톤코리아 #인공지능 #엔드포인트 #마이크로컨트롤러 #마이크로프로세서 #ai플랫폼 #머신러닝 #machinelearning #numicro #ma35d1 #m467 #kr #kor
Product  Application  Tool  Webinar  Watch time - 6:54
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Application  Tool  Webinar  Watch time - 3:35
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Application  Tool  Webinar  Watch time - 10:30
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Application  Tool  Webinar  Watch time - 4:31
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Product  Application  Tool  Webinar  Watch time - 6:50
Bring Artificial Intelligence to Endpoints At this exciting moment, Nuvoton proudly presents our visionary 2024 Endpoint AI Platform, showcasing our latest microcontrollers and microprocessors. These innovative products, based on the Arm® Cortex®-M55, Cortex®-A35, and Cortex®-M4 cores, are designed to offer suitable Machine Learning ecosystems for various industries and application scenarios. Firstly, we will introduce features and specialties of Endpoint AI, demonstrating how this technology shines in edge computing. Next, we'll dive into our platform's core features, revealing the diversity and significance of our hardware in the industry. Following that, we introduce our much-anticipated new M55M1, equipped with the M55 core and Ethos-U55 AI accelerator. This new MCU, crafted specifically for machine learning, will display its performance and capabilities. In addition, we will introduce the NuEdgeWise tool, a powerful resource designed to assist users in training models, simplifying the development process of machine learning. Finally, do not miss our machine learning application design, which will provide inspiration and references for users, aiding them in realizing innovations in their respective fields. We sincerely invite industry professionals to join our webinar, interact with the Nuvoton experts, and explore the future application prospects of these latest products. #Nuvoton #NuMicro #EndpointAI #EdgeComputing #CortexM55 #CortexM4 #CortexA35 #M55M1 #MA35D1 #M467 #MCU #MPU #Microcontroller #EthosU55 #NuEdgeWise #Advance #Product #Application #Tool #Webinar #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
Application  Seminar  Watch time - 25:11
Deepal Mehta Sr. Director, Business Development, InnoPhase IoT, Inc. Cloud Connected Ultra Low-Power Battery Operated IOT Sensors Sensors in the smart home and industrial automation applications need to be enabled with on device AI/ML capability while wirelessly connected and managed from the Cloud. Ultra-low power Wi-Fi wireless connectivity enabling battery life extending close to sensor device life is required to meet the challenging needs of today’s deployment with lowest TCO (total cost of ownership). Sensor to Cloud end-to-end Wi-Fi connectivity architecture which includes both platform level power management optimizations and higher performance are key to achieving always on cloud connected sensor emerging use-cases. Innophase IOT is focused on delivering to the promise of battery-operated Cloud connected IOT Sensor solution with its highly innovative platform level approach. – Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us: #seminar #en #general #Application #M2354 #M2351 #Nuvoton #新唐科技 #NuMicro #MCU