Nuvoton IoT OS Applications and Support

In recent years, rapid technological advancements, especially in the Internet of Things (IoT) domain, have made global connectivity a reality. Alongside enhancements in embedded MCU/MPU chip performance, one critical technology is IoT Operating Systems (IoT OS).

In traditional development models, engineers had to write device drivers, protocol stacks, and networking functionalities, which were labor-intensive, complex, and error-prone. IoT OS is specifically designed for connected devices, offering a range of APIs and tools to accelerate IoT device development. It enables device programmers to quickly write and maintain device functionalities without concerns about underlying operating systems and protocols. The application of IoT OS offers several distinct advantages:

  1. Supports cross-hardware platform compatibility, facilitating maintenance.
  2. Reduces development complexity and enables platform portability.
  3. Enhances device security and stability.
  4. Low power consumption with high efficiency.


As a leading manufacturer of embedded MCU/MPU chips, Nuvoton actively embraces the IoT era by providing high-performance chips to customers and technically integrating IoT OS into platforms, which are offered free of charge to customers.

IoT Platform - Nuvoton


IoT Product Endpoints:

For various IoT product endpoints, whether device or gateway, Nuvoton provides chip development boards and comprehensive solutions. For details, please refer to the table below to choose the appropriate platform:



IoT OS Support:

In IoT OS and cloud support, customers can select suitable development boards according to interface requirements for preliminary project debugging and evaluation, as shown in the diagram below:



Networking and Security Protocols:

In IoT projects, networking connectivity and data security are among the most critical and complex functions, often requiring significant engineering effort for calibration. Nuvoton invests heavily in deeply integrating various network and encryption security protocols into the operating system to ensure smooth project implementation. The following table illustrates this:



If you are interested in IoT products, please contact us. For more details, visit the Nuvoton official website: IoT Platform - Nuvoton