How to know the current CPU and peripheral frequency?  Issue Date:2018-11-27

In the NuMicro® family microcontroller (MCU), I/O is designed with CKO function (Clock Output). After I/O multi-function pin function is switched to CKO, the oscilloscope can be used to measure I/O to observe the CPU and peripheral frequency. Due to the I/O slew rate limit, there may be no way to output a very high frequency. Therefore, user can use the pre-scaler of CKO function to divide the output frequency by a number before measurement.

In addition, in Power-down mode, user can also use CKO to observe whether the CPU frequency has stopped, and confirm that the Power-down mode is actually entered.


Taking the M031 series as an example, the user can refer to the CLK_ClockDetector sample in the BSP. From the clk.c file in the BSP, you can find the CLK_EnableCKO() function. This function can be used to measure the signals of HXT, LXT, HCLK, HIRC, LIRC, PLL and SOF through the CX pin.


(1)  Switch PB14 to CKO function


(2)  Turn on the CKO output and output the HCLK signal. This signal will be divided by the second and third digits.


Products: Microcontrollers ,8bit 8051 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M0 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M23 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs
Function: Peripherals,Clock Control,HCLK,HIRC,HXT,LIRC,LXT,PLL