

What needs to pay attention on entering Power-down mode in an interrupt handler?  Issue Date:2018-01-16

If the NVIC setting is default, entering Power-down mode in an interrupt handler will cause the failed to wake up condition. By default, all interrupts have the same NVIC priority, and there is a conflict between “after entering Power-down mode at interrupt A, the MCU needs to wait for interrupt B to wake up; however, the MCU cannot be woken up by interrupt B until interrupt A has been executed”. Therefore, please do not enter Power-down mode in an interrupt handler unless you change the NVIC priority

Products: Microcontrollers ,8bit 8051 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M0 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs
Function: Peripherals,ARM,Interrupt,NVIC,System Operation,Power-down,Wake-up