When using the ICP Programming Tool for offline programming setting, what is the difference between enabling "Use Password Offline Data" and "Security Lock" for configuration bits?  Issue Date:2017-04-26

The "Use Password Offline Data" encrypts a file written to offline Flash. When a user provides Nu-Link or Nu-Link Pro for others to do programming, this can prevent the file from being read. The "Security Lock" for configuration bits protects the programmed target chips and prevents them from being read by others.
Therefore, the complete offline programming protection requires users to enable both the "Use Password Offline Data" and the "Security Lock" options for configuration bits.

Products: Microcontrollers ,8bit 8051 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M0 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs
Function: Software and Tools,ICE & Downloader,Nu-Link-Me (ICE),Nu-Link-Pro (ICE),Nu Tools,In Circuit Programming (ICP) Tool