What is the power source supplied to VDD12 in the NUC505 series?  Issue Date:2017-02-02

  • VDD12 in the NUC505 can be powered from an external LDO or internal LDO.

External LDO: VDD12 in the NUC505 is connected to an external 1.2V, and LDO_CAP connects a 4.7uF capacitor to ground, as shown in Figure 1.
Internal LDO: LDO_CAP in the NUC505 is first connected to the 4.7uF capacitor, and then connected to VDD12, as shown in Figure 2. 

Figure 1

Figure 2


  1. LDO_CAP: LDO output pin, DC 1.2V.
  2. VDD12: I/O power supply pin, DC 1.2V.
  • The NUC505 power distribution diagram is shown below. LDO_CAP needs to be connected to the 4.7uF capacitor first and then ground; if VDD12 needs to be powered internally, LDO_CAP is connected to the 4.7uF capacitor first, and then connected to VDD12.

Products: Microcontrollers ,Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs ,NUC505 Series ,NUC505DL13Y ,NUC505DLA ,NUC505DS13Y ,NUC505DSA ,NUC505YLA2Y ,NUC505YLA ,NUC505YO13Y
Function: Peripherals,Power Detection,LDO