Is the peripheral (e.g. GPIO, RTC ...) interrupt or Power-down wake-up interrupt executed first when CPU is woken up from Power-down mode?  Issue Date:2016-12-20

When the priority of the interrupt handling is the same, the NVIC will process the lower interrupt vector number and then the higher.

Taking the NuMicro® NUC230/240 as example. The interrupt vector number of GPIO is 18 ~ 21, followed by EINT0, EINT1, GPAB and GPCDEF; the interrupt vector number of Power-down wake-up is 44, and the interrupt vector number of RTC is 47

Thus, as can be seen from the interrupt vector number:
If the wake up is triggered by GPIO, GPIO interrupt will be handled first, followed by Power-down wake-up interrupt; if triggered by RTC, Power-down wake-up interrupt will be handled first, and then RTC interrupt.

If you want an interrupt to be executed first, you can increase the priority of the interrupt.

Products: Microcontrollers ,Arm Cortex-M0 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs
Function: Peripherals,ARM,Interrupt,NVIC,System Operation,Power-down,Wake-up