How to use the ICP Programming Tool to write a serial number?  Issue Date:2016-12-20

Once you open the ICP Programming Tool, you can click on the "Options" in the "Programming" section, as shown in Figure 1, to enable programming options.

Figure 1

In the programming options, check the "Write Software Serial Number" in the "Operation" section (shown in Figure 2) to open the Software Serial Number (SN) section (shown in Figure 3).

Figure 2

Figure 3

In the "Software Serial Number" section, the user can enter the starting value of the serial number and the on-chip Flash write address. The serial number is automatically incremented by 1 when the programming is successful, and the serial number is automatically incremented after the programming is completed (whether successful or not) by means of offline programming.

Products: Microcontrollers ,Arm Cortex-M0 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs
Function: Software and Tools,ICE & Downloader,Nu-Link-Me (ICE),Nu-Link-Pro (ICE),Nu-Link (ICE),Nu Tools,In Circuit Programming (ICP) Tool