When using Nu-Link or Nu-Link Pro to do Offline Programming, what protection mechanisms are available for written files?  Issue Date:2016-12-20

The options “Use Password for Offline Programming” and “Limit the Number of Offline Programming” are provided. Using Password can protect the file written to the offline Flash from being read. Limiting the number of offline programming can prevent private programming.
Follow the steps below to enable the options:


1. After the ICP Programming Tool is opened, you can click on the "Options" in the "Programming" section, as shown in Figure 1, to enable programming options.

Figure 1

2. In the "Programming" options, select the "Offline Programming Mode" in the "Operation" section, you can open the "Options for Offline Programming Mode" section, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

  • Check "Use Password for Offline Data" to enable data encryption. The user can enter a password of 1 to 32 characters in length, and have to enter the password once again for verification. When connecting the Nu-Link or Nu-Link Pro, the user must enter the correct password to read offline Flash data, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

  • Check the "Limit The Number of Offline Programming", and user can enter the maximum value 232-1. Offline programming will fail when the number of offline programming exceeds the limit.
Products: Microcontrollers ,Arm Cortex-M0 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs
Function: Software and Tools,ICE & Downloader,Nu-Link-Me (ICE),Nu-Link-Pro (ICE),Nu Tools,In Circuit Programming (ICP) Tool