In the NuMicro® NUC442/472 series related USB Device applications, can 16 MHz be selected for use with the external crystal oscillator?  Issue Date:2016-08-18

No. Because the USB Device clock source in the NUC442/472 series comes from the phase locked loop PLL2 OTG output, and the PLL2 clock source can only be provided by an external crystal oscillator. In view of the phase-locked loop PLL2 hardware design, only the 24MHz or 12MHz clock source can be used as the multiplier. Therefore, only the 12MHz or 24MHz can be selected as the external crystal oscillator in the USB Device application, but 16MHz cannot be selected as the crystal oscillator.


The following shows the NUC442/472 series external high-speed clock generator and PLL2 generator block diagram.


Also refer to the following PLL2 related control registers ─ PLL2CLKEN (CLK_PLL2CTL [8]) and PHYCLK (OTG_PHYCTL [8]) description.

Products: Microcontrollers ,Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs ,NUC442/472 Series
Function: Peripherals,Clock Control,HXT,PLL,Connectivity,USB