How to handle it when using the ICP tool for chip programming but mistakenly setting BOD Reset voltage to be higher than the system voltage, such that the chip is always in the reset state?  Issue Date:2016-07-19

When mistakenly setting the BOD Reset voltage to be higher than the system voltage, there are two solutions:

  1. Increase the system voltage of the target chip and make it higher than the BOR voltage, release the chip reset state, and then update the correct setting using the ICP Tool.
  2. Connect the target chip through the ICP Tool. When the following message appears, click "Yes". The ICP Tool will try to erase the entire chip, including the voltage value of the BOR.


    When the "connection status detection" shows "try to erase the whole chip…", as shown below, the user needs to enter a reset signal in the nRESET pin to reset the target chip.


    If erasure is completed successfully, the following message will be displayed. At this time, the whole chip (including the BOR voltage) has been erased. The user can reset the correct BOR voltage value. If the following message did not appear, to complete erasure, the user needs to input the reset signal to the nRESET pin, and reset the target chip repeatedly until the message appears.

Products: Microcontrollers ,Arm Cortex-M0 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs
Function: Peripherals,Power Detection,Brown-Out Detection (BOD),Software and Tools,Nu Tools,In Circuit Programming (ICP) Tool