How to use the Virtual COM Port of Nu-Link-Me?  Issue Date:2016-07-18

Besides the programming and debugging features, the Nu-Link-Me Version 3.0 (or later) supports the Virtual COM Port function. Through the Virtual COM Port, the user can display UART messages on communication software (e.g. HyperTerminal) of a computer.
The user needs to switch the SW3 (IDP Switch) on the Nu-Link-Me to ON to enable and use the Virtual COM Port.
In addition, the user needs to connect the UART_TXD and UART_RXD of a target chip to the JP2 of the Nu-Link-Me, as shown below.


Products: Microcontrollers ,Arm Cortex-M0 MCUs ,Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs
Function: Software and Tools,ICE & Downloader,Nu-Link-Me (ICE),Nu Tools,Nu-Bridge Software Tool