
Smart Home Audio(326)

Nano110/112 LCD Series

The NuMicro® Nano110 series embedded with the ARM® Cortex®-M0 core runs up to 42 MHz with 32K/64K/128K bytes embedded Flash and 8K/16K bytes embedded SRAM and 4K bytes Flash loader memory for In System Programming (ISP) . The Nano110 series integrates 4x40 & 6x38 COM/SEG LCD controller, Real Time Counter ( RTC ) , 12-bit SAR ADC, 12-bit DAC, UART, SPI, I²C, I²S, PWM/Capture, ISO-7816-3, Watchdog Timer, Brown-out Detector, and fast wake-up via many interfaces, and supports 96-bit Unique ID and 128-bit Unique Customer ID.

Target Application:

Wearable Device, Portable Medical Device, Smart ( Water, Gas, Heat ) Meter, etc.