Webinar: 8051 Low Power ML51 Series


  • 2020-03-17 17:30~2020-03-17 18:20

Nuvoton Technology will hold a webinar at 5:30 PM on 3/17. Product manager Jenny will give a detailed introduction to the ML51 series, including product portfolio, features, successful application cases, and development tools. Jenny and SAEs will also answer your questions during live streaming.


Time: 3/17 at 5:30 PM (GMT+8) = 6:30 PM (GMT+9) = 9:30 AM (GMT+0)
Where: Webinar URL will be sent to successfully registered users via email

Due to the limited number of participants, please register as soon as possible. We will notify successfully registered users on 3/16.

Register now: https://nuvoton.typeform.com/to/lDFGrL