0.35um BCD Process

0.35um BCD Process

This process is a Dual GOX process that provides VGS=5V and Max. VGS = 40V, VDS voltages of 5V/12V/18V/25V/36V/40V/60V/ 80V/700V, low on-resistance power devices for power conversion and LED, and with high resistance Poly2, PIP capacitors and Bipolar for analog signal design. Many special devices for specific needs have been added, such as, Depletion UHV Devices, Low Ron UHV Devices, Depletion Devices, Zener Diodes and UHV Isolation Devices. Also provided, are Nuvoton’s Poly e-fuse IP and eMemory 5V NVM for OTP needs. This process supports 3um Top Metal for copper wire bonding. For your convenience of digital design, a 5V Standard Cell Library is provided.


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