0.5um 5V Mixed-Mode Process

0.5um 5V Mixed-Mode Process 

This process is a standard 0.5um 5V process with more than one million wafers already produced. It is one of Nuvoton’s most mature foundry process platforms. For analog circuit design, high resistance Poly2, PIP capacitors and Bipolar devices. Other special devices were added to respond to customers specific needs, such as Depletion Devices, Native Devices, Schottky Diodes and Zener Diodes etc. A fuse related design rule is also provided to meet trimming needs. This process also supports 3um Top Metal for copper wire bonding. For convenience of digital circuit design, a  5V Standard Cell Library is also provided.

Device Type Device List Max.|Vgs| Max.|Vds| |Vs_bulk| |Vbulk_sub|
LV 5V LVN 5 5 5 0
5V LVP 5 5 5 5
Iso LV Iso 5V LVN 5 5 5 5
Iso 5V LVP 5 5 5 5
Native Native 5V LVN (Vt=0.52V) 5 5 5 0
Native 5V LVP (Vt=-1.22V) 5 5 5 5
Iso Native Iso Native 5V LVN 5 5 5 5
Iso Native 5V LVP 5 5 5 5
Low Vt 5V LVN (Vt=0.62V) 5 5 5 0
5V LVP (Vt=0.69V) 5 5 5 5
Depletion 5V Depletion NMOSVt=-0.39V 5 5 5 0
Iso Depletion Iso Depletion NMOS 5 5 5 5



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