
CCTV VPN Security Module

Recently, Cyberattacks on CCTV and IP Camera systems have been getting more and more important since the potential attacks to the surveillance systems are highly interested in hackers’ society. For example, an U.S. ally observed a malicious actor attacking the U.S. State Department computer systems. In response the NSA traced the attacker’s source and infiltrated their computer systems gaining access to their CCTV cameras from where they were able to observe the hackers’ comings and goings. Novoton has noted this problem well for a period so we together with our partner, Security Platform Incorporation – Korea,to provide a secure CCTV VPN solution for the industry.

  • What’s the Pain - Trade-off Among Cost, Security and Implementation

Trade-off Among Cost, Security and Implementation

  • Features
Addressed Market Challenges & Opportunities
Enhanced Security Remote Access Control Cost Effective Endpoint DLP
  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Non-repudiation
  • Unique key generation and storage in Embedded layer
  • End to End Security
    From IoT Things Device protection to secure communication to Server
  • Authentication
    The RSA. Against MITM attack
  • Secure update
    IoT device firmware update securely
  • Private network.
    VPN network allows the user to create their own private networks for the transfer of data.
  • Low cost, High Performance.
    Hardware layer
  • Data Loss Prevention
    PKI creates an authenticated, secure channel between the two VPN peers.

    The two VPN peers agree upon an PKI policy that enables each end to communicate securely

Addressed Market Challenges & Opportunities

  • System Block Diagram

M2354 IoT Platform with Trusted Firmware-M

M2354 IoT Platform with Trusted Firmware-M 1121
Items Descriptions Others
  • Xtensa 32-bit LX6
  • Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
  • Bluetooth v4.2 and BLE
Wifi: 150 Mps
  • Divers pripherals and sensors support. SPI, sD card, UART
  • Micron secure flash
  • Integrated crystal
  • Cryptographic module. Localized algorithm
40 Mhz crystal
  •  Open VPN
  • Open Connect
  • Secure memory
5 Mps ~
15 Mps
  • KCMVP / CMVP, FIPS-140 Level 1